Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I'm currently finishing up my travel journal. I must have several hundred pages of notes stained with God knows what from every landscape imaginable. I hope to turn it into a travel/political commentary some day. The topics will range from the etiquette of making "donations" to Maoists at gunpoint to procedures for negotiating between Czech prostitutes and Italian football teams to strategies for explaining to Europeans that George W. Bush did not wipe out the American Indians despite what they may have read. It should be a good read. I'm thinking of entitling it (or at least a chapter): “Politics, Misconceptions, and Identity: We’re better, you’re dumb, and my opinion really matters" If not, this is the general gist of the writing.

If you have time, check out Ezra Levant, of the Alberta-based Western Standard, testifying before a Human Rights Commission on YouTube. It is one of the best defenses, explanations, and promotions of our most sacred Western values and freedoms I've ever seen. More to come--


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